Dunedin Festival Exhibition images selected

Phew! After a huge day on Saturday, images for the 47th Dunedin Festival of Photography have been selected.  Congratulations to all who have had an image, or images, selected for the exhibition.  You may have heard through the grapevine that we had a record number of entries this year – a total of 1553 images across all the sections!  A full list of exhibition acceptances will be available once the exhibition opens.

Entrants  should now have received notification of their results.  If you have not, please contact Melanie (webmaster.DPSNZ@gmail.com).

The exhibition will be open at the Dunedin Community Gallery from 5th-10th November, 10am-6pm.  If you are unable to visit, we will make a slideshow of the digital and print exhibition available once the exhibition opens.

Jenny Reeve, Chris Gable, and Derek Morrison discuss the Open prints.
Glenda Rees, Paul Sorrell, and Gary Speer discuss the finer details of a Natural History print.