Member Profile: Pam Constable

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Year joined DPS 1987
Current camera Olympus  E300 / Canon ixus 800
Favourite camera you have ever used/had Olympus C730
Which do you prefer: Film or Digital? Digital
And why? Because I can process the image exactly how I saw it in my head when I pushed the button. AND its a lot cheaper (once you have your computer setup)
Which do you prefer: Print or Projected? Both – no preference
And why? They each do different things. I prefer projected images now because all my photo work is done on the computer, but the printed image allows for more care and thought both when during the creative process and when being interpreted by the viewer. It is a pity for instance, when the photographer has put a lot of effort into making a distinctive image, enters it into the  projected images section of a salon where it might even win an award  but it is still  only seen for 6 seconds during a convention.  A print submission will be on the wall for the entire convention and is available for people to absorb and make comment back to the author.
How did you get into photography? My whole family were passionate photographers and I had the usual box brownie when I was 12,  then a gap of many years till I was given a Kodak Instamatic, which took square photos so I dutifully recorded the babies and pets till my husband gave me a small 35mm and a week or so after that we went to Taranaki and while he was busy I spent a whole day driving around Mt Taranaki shooting off 5 films in all. The difference for me was that the 355 mm format was making a picture rather than just a record, the shape suited how I saw things and suddenly I couldn’t want to do more and more.  On the flight back home I said to my husband “Thank you again for my Christmas camera but I have had such fun today that I think I need to go and spend a lot more money and get a proper SLR”. And so I did.
What is your most memorable moment from your time at DPS so far? Walking into the exhibition and seeing my first ever top print award on the wall.
What keeps you inspired with your photography? One of the  current inspirations is continuing to enter images in salons throughout NZ. As I cannot roam  as I used to, my material is based on my archives, and when an entry is due, I mentally review what I have on hand and rework it ti suit the current requirements. I am also co-manager with Ian Thomson of the yahoo photo group DNZ-3 online and it has competitions every fortnight alternating set subject and  open (  if anyone is interested)
Do you have a particular theme that would summarise your photographs? I don’t have an exclusive theme, but interests include landscape, specially what I term “specific or detailed landscape”, architecture and created images; i.e. montaged multi image compositions to illustrate an abstract idea.
Where is the best place that you have been to take photos? Travel is always inspiring  and Yosemite was a highlight, but then so was a week spent with friends in Hanmer Springs, going out all day up the Clarence Valley, coming home at night then spending evenings reviewing the day’s efforts,  the best workshop I have ever done.
What piece of equipment could you not do without in your camera bag? Well, my camera of course, but for me the best piece isn’t in the camera bag it’s in my head, and that’s the piece I enjoy using the most. Probably because it can create endless images from just a single frame, providing that has good basic ingredients  to start with.
Why have we not seen you much of late? I find it difficult to get along to club meetings these days but I am still participating in digital competitions when I can, as well as coming along to any special events.
Do you have any advice for your fellow photographers? Always, always follow your own pathway regardless of where others think you should be going.  Real inspiration comes from your own individuality, not from conforming to a set of salon rules.
Smart phones do not make smart pictures, but they are wonderful to record the exact moment which would be well gone by the time you ran for the SLR.  I hope this novelty for the gadget-minded will wear off fast for serious image makers and allow us to get back to what we do best, crafting thoughtful, artistic works for others to enjoy.